What is the purpose of business?
A monthly podcast debating what it means to go Beyond the Bottom Line. Featuring Oxera experts and leaders in business and finance.
Luis Correia da Silva, Partner at Oxera, says that businesses have been put under severe pressure over the last few years, not just to focus on profits but also to consider the outcomes they deliver for society and what impact they have on communities. Around the globe, investors, governments and regulators are all exercising enormous pressure on boards of directors of companies to take a much more holistic view of the purpose of business. Equally, society is now playing an active role in shaping the future of business.
Luis is joined by David Jevons, Partner and Head of Oxera’s Digital practice, Katie-Lee English, a Senior Consultant focusing on public policy issues, and Tim Hogg, a Senior Consultant who specialises in financial services and behavioural economics.
Listen and subscribe to the whole podcast series on Spotify, Apple or Google.
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