Depiction of Agenda

< 1 minute read
Depiction of How can economics help governments decide how to spend scarce public funds?

How can economics help governments decide how to spend scarce public funds?

In the UK, and across Europe, there are many public-funded areas crying out for more investment. However, the context of low growth, high levels of public debt and public interest payments, mean that tough decisions on spending priorities across public services, infrastructure and social security have to be made. In… Read More

< 1 minute read
Depiction of Assessing the financial regulation of European football clubs

Assessing the financial regulation of European football clubs

The roar of the crowd, the thrill of the game—football is a global phenomenon. With rising TV audiences and lucrative commercial deals, it has become big business. Money has surged into the game and changed the incentives for clubs, their executives and owners. So, what needs to be done to… Read More

< 1 minute read
Depiction of Play forward

Play forward

Shaping football’s sustainable future Play Forward is a series of reports focused on building a fair, sustainable, and successful global football industry. Economics is at the centre of finding a solution and securing the future objectives of the industry. From football financing to competitive balance, economics sets frameworks to assess… Read More

< 1 minute read
Depiction of Revenue stream(ing): how the economics of the music industry is changing

Revenue stream(ing): how the economics of the music industry is changing

Streaming is bringing more access, more music and more flexibility for the listener, but at what cost? The face of music has changed dramatically in the last 15 years. Technology shifts mean that distribution methods have changed, with cassette tapes and CDs consigned to history’s scrap heap. Streaming has fundamentally… Read More

16 minute read
Depiction of Ofgem’s RIIO-3 Sector Specific Methodology Decision

Ofgem’s RIIO-3 Sector Specific Methodology Decision

On 18 July 2024, Ofgem published its Sector Specific Methodology Decision (SSMD) for the forthcoming RIIO-3 price control period for electricity transmission (ET), gas transmission (GT) and gas distribution (GD) networks.1 This follows Ofgem’s consultation on the matter in December 2023.2 RIIO-3 will last for… Read More

3 minute read
Depiction of The future funding of the England & Wales water sector: Ofwat’s draft determinations

The future funding of the England & Wales water sector: Ofwat’s draft determinations

On Thursday 11 July, Ofwat (the England and Wales water regulator) published its much anticipated Draft Determinations (DDs). As part of the PR24 price review, this sets out its provisional assessment of allowed revenues and performance targets for AMP8 (2025–30)—and will be of great interest to water companies, investors,… Read More

< 1 minute read
Depiction of Growth Zero

Growth Zero

Climate change is reshaping our world. To meet the goal of net zero by 2050 and limit global warming, urgent transformation and innovation are needed from governments and businesses. Read More

< 1 minute read
Depiction of Deceptive patterns: how can we make choices fairer online?

Deceptive patterns: how can we make choices fairer online?

Online, every click and swipe is subtly influenced by how choices are presented to you. In a world where what we watch, listen to, read, and buy is the result of responding to the choices presented to us on a screen, this choice architecture is hugely important. We may not… Read More

< 1 minute read
Depiction of How is artificial intelligence (AI) changing our world?

How is artificial intelligence (AI) changing our world?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly evolving technology which is set to affect every aspect of our daily lives. Will AI drive vehicles, diagnose dementia and cancer, write novels and beat us at our favourite games? Or is that future here already? In our latest ‘Top of the Agenda’ podcast,… Read More

9 minute read
Depiction of A guide to revising tariff structures 

A guide to revising tariff structures 

A vital aspect of the design of regulated markets is the definition of tariff structures. There are many influences on this, with potentially conflicting pressures, and as a result there is a wide range of potential outcomes. This article discusses both influences and outcomes and identifies factors to consider… Read More

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