Depiction of ART Decision 15/2024: ART’s operational indications for the Italian motorway sector 

ART Decision 15/2024: ART’s operational indications for the Italian motorway sector 

With decision 15/2024, ART (Autorità di Regolazione dei Trasporti) published some of the outcomes of its regulatory impact assessment on the methodology for setting motorway tolls. This procedure was initiated by ART in November 2023.

Following its assessment, ART deemed it appropriate to: (i) evaluate possible revisions to the regulatory framework, which will be subject to a public consultation process; (ii) issue specific operational indications to address the critical issues found in the Economic and Financial Plans (Piani Economici Finanziari) examined by ART. In this note, we cover the below operational indications in more detail.

  • The application of the mechanism of notional items, i.e. the tariff components used to ensure a gradual evolution of the tariff over time.
  • The tariff adjustment to reflect the actual level of investments carried out.


Dr Leonardo Mautino

Senior Consultant
Senior Consultant



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Depiction of Ofgem’s RIIO-3 Sector Specific Methodology Decision

Ofgem’s RIIO-3 Sector Specific Methodology Decision

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