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The roadmap for reform of electricity markets: perspectives and challenges for Italy

On 28 October, Oxera presented a study on future market design challenges in the Italian electricity sector at a webinar hosted by the influential Italian think-thank, AREL. Alfredo Macchiati and Pierpaolo Perna explored the upcoming reforms of the Italian electricity market, highlighting the importance of providing long-term price signals for investors in order to achieve decarbonisation and security of supply targets.

The event featured a panel discussion with a number of distinguished professionals from the industry (ENEL, Utilitalia, Terna, Sorgenia, Elettricità Futura and FISE Assoambiente) and from the energy authority (ARERA) on a range of topics which are on the Italian policy agenda, including:

  • the need for markets to provide efficient price signals;
  • enhancing the efficiency of balancing and ancillary services;
  • fostering investment in flexible generation, including pumped storage;
  • improving cross-border trade.

These topics are of relevance with a view to the new regulatory framework for redispatching services (so-called TIDE), expected to be in place by 2022.

We are delighted to share the full report here.


Contact: Alfredo Macchiati and Pierpaolo Perna

