Depiction of The EU electronic communications framework: is it on track?

The EU electronic communications framework: is it on track?

Across Europe, around 450 detailed market reviews are taking place, as the national regulatory authorities (NRAs) assess competition and propose remedies in at least 18 different telecoms and electronic communications markets under the new EU regulatory framework. The European Commission has the power to veto the NRAs’ decisions. This article looks at the NRAs’ progress and the Commission’s justification for the veto decisions it has taken so far.


16 minute read
Depiction of Ofgem’s RIIO-3 Sector Specific Methodology Decision

Ofgem’s RIIO-3 Sector Specific Methodology Decision

On 18 July 2024, Ofgem published its Sector Specific Methodology Decision (SSMD) for the forthcoming RIIO-3 price control period for electricity transmission (ET), gas transmission (GT) and gas distribution (GD) networks.1 This follows Ofgem’s consultation on the matter in December 2023.2 RIIO-3 will last for… Read More

3 minute read
Depiction of The future funding of the England & Wales water sector: Ofwat’s draft determinations

The future funding of the England & Wales water sector: Ofwat’s draft determinations

On Thursday 11 July, Ofwat (the England and Wales water regulator) published its much anticipated Draft Determinations (DDs). As part of the PR24 price review, this sets out its provisional assessment of allowed revenues and performance targets for AMP8 (2025–30)—and will be of great interest to water companies, investors,… Read More

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