Episode two: The contribution of good corporate governance to the market valuation of European companies
Brussels was the ideal setting for our most recent two-part Agenda podcast, where the European Contact Group brought together different stakeholders to discuss the results of Oxera’s report, An analysis of the EU governance framework for corporate reporting.
In episode two of the podcast, the discussion addresses how, in practice, policies could be formed to promote an effort that encourages good corporate reporting.
Russell Goldsmith is joined by Pablo Zalba, Partner and EU Policy Managing Director at Deloitte, who chaired the panel including Rients Abma, Executive Director, Eumedion, Daniel Blume, Senior Policy Analyst at OECD, Isabelle Grauer-Gaynor, Head of Corporate Finance and Report Uniot at the European Securities and Markets Authority and finally Roberto Cravero, NED Community and Senior Managing Partner, Cravero&Associates.

The European growth problem and what to do about it
European growth is insufficient to improve lives in the ways that citizens would like. We use the UK as a case study to assess the scale of the growth problem, underlying causes, official responses and what else might be done to improve the situation. We suggest that capital market… Read More

The 2023 annual law on the market and competition: new developments for motorway concessions in Italy
With the 2023 annual law on the market and competition (Legge annuale per il mercato e la concorrenza 2023), the Italian government introduced several innovations across various sectors, including motorway concessions. Specifically, as regards the latter, the provisions reflect the objectives of greater transparency and competition when awarding motorway concessions,… Read More