Depiction of Competition economics course: mergers and antitrust

Competition economics course: mergers and antitrust

How can economics help you as a competition lawyer? Understanding the economic principles behind competition law is crucial for analysing the effects of mergers, agreements, and unilateral conduct, and for effectively engaging with competition authorities and courts. This course is designed to equip competition lawyers with the essential economic tools and analytical frameworks necessary for tackling complex competition cases.

Market definition and mergers module

Date: Tuesday 1 October 2024
Time: 9.00–13.00 CET
Location: Spectrum, Boulevard Bischoffsheim 15, 1000 Brussels

On Tuesday 1 October, we will focus on market definition and merger control. We will begin with an overview of the key economic principles underpinning market definition and the practical tools employed by economists. Where relevant, we will delve into the rationale and implications of the changes and clarifications introduced by the new EU Market Definition Notice.

Following this, we will review standard theories of harm in EU merger control—including horizontal and non-horizontal theories of harm, as well as innovation concerns. The discussion will cover key economic principles and practical tools used in merger assessments, such as measures of market concentration and closeness of competition, upward price pressure indices, vertical arithmetic, bidding data analysis, and countervailing buyer power.

Finally, we will explore the economic underpinnings of emerging theories of harm, with a particular focus on the elimination of potential competition and entrenchment of market power, especially within the context of digital and tech “ecosystems”.

Antitrust module

Date: Thursday 3 October 2024
Time: 14.30–18.30 CET
Location: Spectrum, Boulevard Bischoffsheim 15, 1000 Brussels

On Thursday 3 October, we will focus on the economics of antitrust (including Article 101, Article 102, and the Digital Markets Act (DMA)). We will discuss how economic tools are applied to assess horizontal and vertical agreements between undertakings, including sustainability agreements, in light of the latest European Commission Guidelines. We will also explore the economics of abuse of dominance, including exclusionary and exploitative practices, and will discuss the new draft guidelines on Article 102. This module will also cover economic analysis in the context of the DMA, focusing on the assessment of conduct (e.g. self-preferencing or anti-steering), with a focus on effective remedies.

Throughout this course, complex economic concepts and tools will be presented in a clear, non-technical manner, making them accessible to legal professionals without an economics background. Each module will be enriched with examples from our recent casework, providing practical insights and enhancing your ability to apply economic principles in your casework.

To view the programme for the market definition and mergers module, click here.

To view the programme for the antitrust module, click here.

To register for the course, please complete the form below.

This event is being run by Oxera Consulting LLP (‘Oxera’). Oxera will act as the sole data controller and will store and use your data in accordance with our privacy policy. If you have any questions contact [email protected].

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