Portrait of Matthew Johnson

Matthew Johnson : Partner

Matthew specialises in competition economics. His areas of expertise include merger analysis, abuse of dominance, and the effects of vertical and horizontal agreements between firms. He has provided analysis for clients involved in litigation, as well as those facing investigations by competition authorities in a number of jurisdictions.

Before joining Oxera, Matthew worked as an economic adviser at the UK Office of Fair Trading (OFT), now part of the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), and at the European Commission. He has over 20 years’ experience as a professional economist, and has been appointed economic expert in the context of UK High Court litigation proceedings. He has also advised on market investigations in a range of industries.

Matthew has acted as a non-governmental adviser to the International Competition Network (ICN) Working Groups on Mergers and Unilateral Conduct. He is listed in The International Who’s Who of Competition Lawyers and Economists. He also sits on the advisory board of the Competition Law Journal.

Matthew speaks English.

Tel: +44 (0) 1865 253 026

Matthew's specialisms include:

professional experience

  • Advice to VetPartners on its acquisition of Goddard Vet Group, which was approved by the UK Competition and Markets Authority with remedies (2022)

  • Advice to National Express Group on its proposed acquisition of Stagecoach Group (2022)

  • Advice to Sure Telecommunications during its acquisition of AirTel Vodafone’s business in the Channel Islands (2022–23)

  • Advice to Allied Irish Banks on the Phase 2 CCPC merger clearance of its acquisition of Ulster Bank from NatWest Group (2021–22)

  • Advice to Circle Health on CMA clearance of its acquisition of BMI Healthcare (2019–20)

  • Advice to CETIN on the European Commission Article 101 investigation into mobile network sharing in the Czech Republic (2016–22)


  • Alimonti, R. and Johnson, M. (2023) ‘Abuse of economic dependence and its interaction with competition policy: the economics perspective’, Competition Law Journal, pp. 87–97.

  • Johnson, M. and Fanton, I. (2022) ‘The economics of merger control in a dynamic world: a focus on the relevant counterfactual’, Chapter 11 in Research Handbook on the Law and Economics of Competition Enforcement.

  • Johnson, M. (2020) ‘Better out than in: why barriers to exit matter for competition law and policy’, Competition Law Journal, 20:1, pp. 42–46.

  • Fanton, I., Droukopoulos, S. and Johnson, M. (2019), ‘Vertical mergers and the vGUPPI: quantifying vertical foreclosure’, Competition Law Journal, 18:1, pp. 45–50.

  • Droukopoulos, S., Chowdhury, A. and Johnson, M. (2015), ‘Most-favoured-nation clauses in the e-commerce sector: an economist’s point of view’, Competition Law Journal, 14:2, pp. 153–8.

  • Makhkamova, L., Johnson, M. and Niels, G. (2012), ‘Under examination: The OFT’s Study into the Private Healthcare Market’, Competition Law Journal, 11:2.


  • MSc Economics, University College London, UK

  • BA Economics, University of Sussex, UK

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