Portrait of Andrea Pompita

Andrea Pompita : Consultant

Andrea is a member of Oxera’s Finance & Valuation team. He has worked on commercial disputes, state aid and regulatoy finance projects across different geographies, mainly in the energy and transport sectors. Before joining Oxera, Andrea worked as a Data Analyst for a fintech company, processing private equity funds data, while completing his Master’s degree in Financial Economics at EDHEC Business School.

Andrea speaks English, and Italian.

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7776 6678

Andrea's specialisms include:

professional experience

  • Assisted a large energy supplier in a judicial review proceeding concerning state aid (2023)

  • Set up a methodology for quantifying damages related to an alleged infringement of GDPR in the Netherlands (2022–23)

  • Assessed the market economy operator principle for an Italian transport and logistics company (2022–23)

  • Assessed the alleged damage in the context of a commercial dispute in South America (2022)

  • Quantified, through financial option pricing, the option value to consumers of Ofgem’s three-month price cap (2022)

  • Assessed the methodology adopted by the New Zealand regulator to determine the WACC for electricity distribution networks (2022)


  • MSc Financial Economics, EDHEC Business School, France

  • BSc Physics, University of Bologna, Italy

Latest Insights:  Andrea Pompita

16 minute read
On 18 July 2024, Ofgem published its Sector Specific Methodology Decision (SSMD) for the forthcoming RIIO-3 price control period for electricity transmission (ET), gas transmission (GT) and gas distribution (GD)…

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