The benefits of hardware interoperability
Interoperability plays an important role in the digital economy and can be a key driver of innovation, competition, choice and economic growth. Hardware interoperability, in particular, enables users to seamlessly connect devices from various providers, creating benefits for consumers. However, effective interoperability can be hindered by certain barriers, and is often not implemented to its full potential, including in mobile ecosystems.
In this context, the European Union (EU) included Article 6(7) in the Digital Markets Act (DMA) to promote contestability by mandating interoperability for features controlled by designated gatekeepers’ operating systems (OSs) and voice assistants (hereafter, Article 6(7)). At present, there are ongoing discussions on how specifically to achieve effective hardware interoperability under Article 6(7) of this Regulation. In particular, the EC is in the process of providing guidance to Apple on how to fulfil the interoperability obligations through two specification proceedings. These proceedings focus on several iOS connectivity features and functionalities as well as the process Apple has set up to address interoperability requests submitted by developers and third parties for iOS and iPadOS.
CODE asked Oxera to analyse the benefits, barriers and potential solutions related to hardware interoperability, alongside examining how this works in practice both inside and outside the tech industry. This report develops a general framework to promote the adoption of hardware interoperability and makes specific recommendations for the effective implementation of Article 6(7). The framework recognises that hardware interoperability in many cases will be market-driven, but in particular circumstances regulatory intervention is justified, specifically where there are existing or potential market failures. Article 6(7) can be seen as such an intervention, aiming to address market failures and to make markets more contestable through mandating interoperability.
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