The Green Deal and the energy transition: what should be the priorities for the next Commission?
Baker Botts and Oxera are delighted to announce the launch of a four-part webinar series in the autumn of 2023, with the aim of exploring the significant global challenges to achieving the European Union’s Green Deal and the energy transition, including the energy crisis and ongoing geo-political tensions.
The discussions will focus on how to promote investment in the required new technologies at scale, while also providing sufficient protection against perceived excessive cost burdens on consumers and taxpayers.
Webinar 1: 11 October 2023
How to ensure the appropriate market design to achieve the energy transition
This webinar will introduce the topic of the Green Deal and the energy transition. We will then focus on electricity markets, the development of hydrogen infrastructure and renewable energy sources, as well as the electrification of transport and the decarbonisation of heat. We will discuss the European Commission’s electricity market design proposals, including the role of long term contracts such as Contracts for Difference and Power Purchase Agreements, as well as possible reforms of the retail market.
Webinar 2: 8 November 2023
The Green Deal and the energy transition: taking stock on progress to date
This webinar will examine the progress that has been made to date towards the Green Deal and the energy transition. It will focus on the development of hydrogen infrastructure and renewable energy sources, the decarbonisation of heat, and the electrification of transport. The speakers will also discuss whether the Green Deal could be achieved through market reforms and pro-competitive measures, or whether more state intervention might be required.
Webinar 3: 22 November 2023
Achieving the Green Deal in the transport sector and heavy industry
This webinar will discuss the ways in which transport and heavy industry could be decarbonised, and some of the specific challenges faced in these sectors. The discussion will include the role of carbon pricing and Carbon Contracts for Difference, the Emission Trading System, and the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, including whether any changes to the regulations are required in order to achieve the Green Deal objectives.
Webinar 4: 6 December 2023
The role of state aid and public funding in achieving the Green Deal
This webinar will discuss the role of state aid and public funding, alongside market design and regulation to incentivise the necessary investments and the phase out of fossil fuels. The discussions will also cover the changes to the state aid framework through the Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework as well as RePowerEU, in addition to the role of state aid rules for Important Projects of Common European Interest in areas such as hydrogen.
Register below:
This event is being run by Oxera Consulting LLP (‘Oxera’) and Baker Botts. Oxera and Baker Botts will act as joint data controllers and will store and use your data in accordance with both Baker Botts’ and Oxera’s privacy policies. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].
In Partnership with

Nicole Robins
PartnerGuest speakers

Dr Liza Lovdahl Gormsen
Director of the Competition Law Forum at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law

Max Lienemeyer
Head of Unit, Competition Directorate General, European Commission

Dominik Thumfart
Managing Director of Global Credit Trading, Deutsche Bank