Depiction of How can the DMA boost value creation in Europe’s digital economy?

How can the DMA boost value creation in Europe’s digital economy?

On June 30, 2021, Oxera hosted a virtual event where Sir Philip Lowe, Partner at Oxera, and Ambroise Descamps, Senior Consultant, presented our new report titled ‘How Platforms Create Value for Their Users: Implications for the Digital Markets Act ”. This presentation was followed by a discussion with a panel of experts on our findings and the Digital Markets Act (DMA) in general.

This report was commissioned by the Computer and Communications Industry Association (“CCIA”). The CCIA asked Oxera to examine how these practices can create value for users of the platforms and benefit consumers and society. Our study draws on a wide range of examples and academic research (in economics, management and information and communications technologies) to shed new light on how platforms compete in creating of value for consumers and business users.

A full recording of the event is available below, and the post-event digest can be found here:

Event Details
30 Jun 2021 (09:00 CEST) to (10:30 CEST)

This event is online.
