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Competition policy and e-commerce after the EU Commission sector inquiry: What comes next?

The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and Assonime are jointly organising a workshop in the context of the ENTraNCE project. The event aims to gather academics, practitioners, officials from National Competitions Authorities (NCAs) and representatives of firms to discuss the role of competition policy enforcement in e-commerce in the light of the recent European Commission sector inquiry into e-commerce.
In spite of the economic crisis affecting Europe since 2008, e-commerce has been steadily growing over the past decade. From a competition policy perspective, e-commerce provides new opportunities for businesses and significant benefits for consumers. It broadens markets, widens consumers’ choice and leads to lower prices. At the same time, several undertakings responded to the challenges raised by the evolving market environment by means of contractual restrictions that raise competition concerns.

Oxera Principal, Dr Avantika Chowdhury, will be speaking at this conference on March 3 in Florence. She will participate in a panel on "E-commerce in goods: economic insights from the EU Commission sector inquiry." 

For more information, and the full programme, please see here. 

Event Details